Welcome, September!

It’s hard to believe it’s already September and the cooler weather will soon be here! Our guests have noticed the chillier temperatures and have begun to ask for blankets, sweatshirts, and jackets to stay warm while they sleep at night.
Mary Magdalen House has welcomed 1,316 guests so far this year, which is just shy of the total number of people who visited us in all of 2021. With 4 months left in the year, we’ll pass that total very soon!

Serving so many folks in need means that we have needed to provide a lot of clothing to our guests. We have already given out more t-shirts, more pairs of pants and underwear, and more socks than we did over the entire previous year!
Why is this so important? Well, we need to ask a favor. We are quickly depleting our stores of clothing items to meet the increasing needs of our neighbors. Below is list of our most urgently-needed items. And for those who prefer to shop online and have it delivered directly to our door, the Amazon wishlist link is also included below.
For our fervent supporters and donors, THANK YOU! We could not meet the needs of our community without your help and your donations. We are ever grateful for your generosity and for showing love for our neighbors.

Most Needed Items at Mary Magdalen House

  • Men’s underwear (new), sizes small, medium, large, and XL

  • Bras, all sizes and especially smaller sizes

  • T-Shirts, all sizes

  • Men’s jeans, work pants, and sweatpants, especially sizes 32”, 34”, 36”, and 38” waist

  • Practical (gym shoes, work boots) shoes for men and women

  • Hoodies, especially sizes Large, XL, and 2XL

Amazon wishlist: https://a.co/hO6Xq5y