MMH Spring Update!

Well hello, warm weather and sunny days!

This spring we have greeted a lot more new faces! So far in May have welcomed 32 brand new guests here at Mary Magdalen House, and 405 returning guests for showers, laundry, clean clothes, mail services, and so much more! We are honored to be able to serve our community every day and provide a place for folks to feel refreshed and clean.

With the increased demand we have seen over the last few months, we are in need of clothing and hygiene donations more than ever! Our greatest needs at this time are:

  • women’s underwear (size 5, new only)

  • bras (all sizes, new or used)

  • men’s pants and shorts (size 32” and 34” waists, new or gently used)

  • t-shirts (all sizes, new or gently used)

Check out our Amazon wishlist to shop from home and have it directly shipped to us!