Remembering 2021, Welcoming 2022

Dear MMH Supporters,

We can’t thank all of you enough for making 2021 possible! It was another roller coaster of a year, but you made sure to care for the hygiene needs of our guests even through the chaos and turmoil of the last 12 months. Because of you, 1,398 people were able to experience the joys of a hot shower, a fresh change of clothes, a spritz of deodorant to stay fresh, a comfortable pair of shoes, a cozy blanket, and a warm smile greeting them at the front desk.

We experienced the loss of several of our beloved guests in 2021. We witnessed the joy on a guest’s face when told his cancer was in remission, his concern only months later when scans showed it may have returned, then his elation when he found out it had not. We joined in praying for the intentions shared by our guests. We bonded with our fellow employees over difficult days, remembering our guests, recalling funny stories, impromptu microwave-prepared meals, bowling, and sharing our own life experiences with each other.

As we look forward to 2022, we hope you will continue to support our work as we help restore hope to all those who depend on Mary Magdalen House. As uncertain as the last two years have been, one thing we can be certain of is that our OTR neighbors leave here knowing that 𝙮𝙤𝙪 care for their well-being. Our guests know that no matter how hard their day has been, that they can count on us to be here for their shower. That knowledge brings with it a little flash of hope. Hope that today will be a little better than yesterday. Hope that tomorrow will be better than today.

May 2022 bring restored dignity, refreshed spirit, and renewed hope to all those who pass through our doors. Thank you for believing in the importance of dignity and thank you for trusting Mary Magdalen House in this important work.


Jenny Perez, Executive Director

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